Easter 04.06.24

We are not asked to explain the resurrection, offer proof for the resurrection, or make a case for the resurrection. Instead, like Peter, we live in wonder—for how belief in the God of resurrection truly can change the world.

—Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis (@karoline.lewis), from her commentary on Luke 24:1-12 | @sanctifiedart

WEEKLY CENTERING PRACTICE Center yourself in darkness and light. Light a candle. Honor the darkness and see how the light shines.

DAILY QUESTION Where are you experiencing new life? Where are you beginning again?

PRAYER God of new beginnings, new life finds me like warm weather finds the spring. Once again I am reminded that death does not have the last word. Once again I am reminded that love is stronger than hate. So give me the wisdom to begin again. Show me the places of new growth in my heart. Show me where you have already planted seeds for change, for centering, for conviction. And may I be wise enough to begin again, and again, and again. Amen.


Easter 04.07.24


Easter 04.05.24