Rev. Patrick Wallace
Rev. Patrick Wallace is a graduate of Murray State University and Asbury Theological Seminary. He has served as a campus minister in his early years in ministry and most recently as a hospital chaplain. Patrick is married to his wife, Andi, and they have two sons, Asher and Cohen.

As we rebuild a physical church building, we are committed to building sustainable ministries as well.
Current Ministry Opportunities:
Sunday School
We offer Sunday School for children, youth, and adults following worship each week and an additional time or adults prior to worship at 9am. Each class follows a similar curriculum, delivered in a unique way specific to the age group.
Women's Bible Study
The Women’s Bible Study meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10:30. The current curriculum is through the Presbyterian Women. For more information, please email
We continue to serve the community through volunteering at Needline Food Pantry. This is a ministry that grew out of FPC Mayfield and we continue serving when it is our week to serve.