Lent 03.26.24

Peter’s question is more than apt: “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” After all, Jesus has just had his feet anointed with abundant perfume by Mary. We should be washing Jesus’ feet! And yet, could it be that because Jesus has been extravagantly loved by Mary that he can now wash the feet of Peter, the one who will deny him, and Judas, the one who will betray him? It is from being loved himself that Jesus says to his disciples, “you also ought to wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14).

—Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis (@karoline.lewis), from her commentary on John 13:1-20

Art: “Golden Hour” by Rev. Nicolette Peñaranda (@nicolette.faison) | @sanctifiedart

WEEKLY CENTERING PRACTICE Center yourself in breath. Place one hand on your belly and one on your heart. Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4, and exhale for 4.

DAILY QUESTION Does it feel easy or hard to talk about your faith in public? Why?

PRAYER Jesus of Nazareth, we live in a world that has declared “no religion at the dinner table.” In that same spirit of compartmentalization, I am guilty of keeping my faith tucked away, a private devotion for quiet moments. That is not the way I want to live. This love was never meant to be quiet. This love was meant to be told, celebrated, shared, and spread. So when the cock crows in my own life, let me speak with conviction. Amen.


Lent 03.27.24


Lent 03.25.24