Easter 04.08.24

Maybe that’s the way it is with God.
I say, "Here’s my heart"
and God smiles.
And God takes it.
And despite the ragtag nature of my human-hearted faith,
whatever I can give always ends up on God’s mantel.
Whatever I can give always calls for pride and joy.

—from the poem “Here’s My Heart” by Rev. Sarah A. Speed | @sanctifiedart

WEEKLY CENTERING PRACTICE Center yourself in gratitude. Create a list of 10 things that you are grateful for.

DAILY QUESTION Where do you feel called to serve, grow, or give in the coming weeks?

PRAYER Calling God, you charged Peter to feed your sheep (Jn. 21:1-19). In the same way, I know that you have a charge for me. You nudge, encourage, and plant seeds. You never stop tending the fire of my soul. So as I move into a new season, help me discern your will for me. Help me to hear your call for this next season with clarity. I am listening. I am learning. Amen.


Easter 04.09.24


Easter 04.07.24