Easter 04.10.24

There is neither shaming nor blaming, nor does Jesus forgive Peter. Instead, Jesus knows that what he will ask Peter to do is something Peter could not fathom before. Only now, in this renewal of relationship with the resurrected Jesus is Peter’s trust affirmed and Jesus’ trust in Peter confirmed.

—Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis (@karoline.lewis), from her commentary on John 21:1-19 | @sanctifiedart

WEEKLY CENTERING PRACTICE Center yourself in gratitude. Create a list of 10 things that you are grateful for.

DAILY QUESTION Jesus feeds the disciples (Jn. 21:1-19). Who would you like to share a meal with in the coming weeks?

PRAYER Feeding God, food was at the center of your ministry. You were constantly eating with tax collectors and Pharisees, disciples and Gentiles. You fed the 5,000 and cooked breakfast on the beach. In this way, I know that eating together can be a form of worship and a form of prayer. In this way, I trust that you are constantly meeting us at dinner tables all over the world. Give me the wisdom to see it. Amen.


Easter 04.11.24


Easter 04.09.24